Sell your land
KinNol Properties Land Estimator
We're here to help get you the maximum return on your property.
Please fill out the form below. The more information we have on your property in Central Florida the better it is for us to assess when determining a fair market offer. Any information you submit will be confidential and used only for the purposes of getting you an offer.
By submitting contact information on this form you agree to all available communication methods including email, phone and SMS. We never sell your personal information!
Once you submit the form, a representative will contact you within 24-48 hours
Frequently Asked Questions
If I fill out this form, am I obligated to sell?
Oh gosh no! Filling out the form above is just the very first step in determining what the value of your property may be. We look at many variables as it relates to your property and utilizing the land for either a commercial or residential development.
What do you specialize in?
Our focus is building relationships with owners, keeping what’s important to you in the highest regard. We listen and devote time to preparing an offer that is transparent, accurate, and fair.
When will I get paid?
Unfortunately there is no set answer, as there are many variables throughout the zoning, entitlement, and approval process. A land purchase and sale agreement is nothing like a purchase agreement for a home, where a simple inspection and short time period is needed between signing and closing. Land deals can take from a few months to a year or more to complete. There is a whole process we must follow, which starts with a feasibility study for the site, meetings with the jurisdictions, zoning/rezoning applications, public hearings , and then final approval of the project. Allowing us the time we need to complete all the steps completely and thoroughly will help to ensure you receive the most money for your property at the end of the process.
I'd like my money sooner. Is there a way to get paid faster?
We work closely with land owners on a case-by-case basis. You will ALWAYS get more money for your land if you give us the time needed to get the property fully approved with the jurisdiction. Depending on the situation we may be able to close on your land before it is fully approved, but we will not be able to pay you the full value for your property if we close early.
Why can't I just get the land approved for development myself?
You absolutely can do that! Getting land use approvals is a lengthy process that consumes a lot of time and resources. Dealing with local governments can be very frustrating and painfully slow at times. We have many years of Entitlement experience and have built a network of local real estate professionals, engineers, environmental engineers, contractors, etc., to ensure the process runs as smoothly and quickly as possible. Land owners shouldn't have to waste their precious time and money in order to get paid top dollar for their land. Let us do the hard work while you sit back and figure out what you are going to do with the payout for your land!
What if I'm not interested in selling right now?
We respect that, and as we said before, there is absolutely no obligation to sell to us today, tomorrow, an any day afterwards. We only ask that you keep us in mind for when you decide to sell in the future.